Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Week ...H’c! 27

This is day number 190 and I am 27 weeks now! I have 91 days or 13 weeks left, and I am 67.5% of the way there.

This week, I should weigh around 900 grams (like a head of a cauliflower, not counting the few extra grams if you pickled it, though it’s tastier) and I am about 37 cm long with my legs extended. And as I have no concept of table what so ever, extended for me means not into my mouth.

I am sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing my eyes, and sometimes even sucking my fingers. With more brain tissue developing, my brain is very active now. While my lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if I was to be born now.

Some tiny rhythmic movements my mom may be feeling may be coming from my hiccups, and this may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few H’c moments, and they don't H’c, H’c, bother my mom, she should just relax and enjoy the tickle.

Maybe that is H’c why H’c my mom is so clumsy these H’c days….

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