Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year: 31 weeks on December 31

Today is December 31, day number 218, and I am 31 weeks! I have 62 days or 9 weeks left, and are 77.9% of the way there. My doctor said that I should stay here until February 11th, so till then – I will continue to kick my mom’s belly from inside.

This week, I measure over 40 cm long. I weigh about 1,5 kg and I am heading into a growth spurt. I can turn my head from side to side, and my arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath my skin. I am moving a lot, too, so my mom has (again) trouble sleeping because I kick and somersaults keep her up. But all this moving is only a sign that I am active and healthy.

Yesterday we have visited my mom’s doctor. My dad took a video of me, and he caught me at the moment of my yawning.

Tonight I am going with my mom and dad to my also unborn friend’s house for New Year’s eve. I hope that my mom will not fall asleep before midnight. Otherwise I will again have to kick her and wake her up, and to make her try some more of this “руска салата”, “кифлички” and “мисирка” that my dad makes so tasty! And who knows, maybe I will also meet Santa as well?!


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