Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My 15th week: Rock and roll and growing strong

I am almost 15 weeks now and I weigh 6.8 kilos! I still have a small constipation problems (for a month already), but I think it is slowly going away.

I can now lift my head and hold it up for several moments and longer, while lying on her back, or on my tummy. When sitting with support, I am able to hold my head steady and erect. I already even manage to sit up with minimum support. When I am on my stomach, I lift my head and chest to about 45 degrees as if I am doing mini-pushups.

I need enough space to stretch and move my arms and legs. I simply enjoy moving as I please at the moment. These movements can help me strengthen and tone my developing muscles. On my tummy, I am starting to push off with my legs — the first step in getting on the move.

I am now learning how to rock and roll — well, maybe just roll. At this age, I am starting to move from my side to my back and my back to my side. The complete roll over will probably come for a month or so, though, because I need stronger neck and arm muscles for that maneuver. For that purpose, I exercise every day, with help of mom and dad, but I also watch my favorite sports TV show – ‘The strongest man’ on EuroSport channel.

My movements are also getting more and more coordinated. The jerky arm and leg movements of my newborn days have given way to smoother, more circular motions, especially when I am watching mom, dad, other people, my toy-friends or while watching TV.

My increasing mobility makes my diaper changes very difficult. My parents can no longer leave me unattended on a bed or any other elevated surface now that she can move around. And I will make even more and more difficult for my mom and dad in the next months! So they better be prepared!

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