Wednesday, January 14, 2009

33 weeks: my ET look and ninja skills

This is day number 232 and I am 33 weeks! I have 48 days or 7 weeks left, and I am 82.9% of the way there!

This week I weigh 2 kilos minus 200 grams. Yeah I know – 'high mats'. And I am almost 43 cm tall, or long, or whatever applies to a head down situated little one like me. I am rapidly loosening what my dad's calling ET look, and beginning to resemble, as my dad points out, all normal and boring people. My skeleton is hardening too and I am becoming, again in my pa's linguo, a 'тврдокичмењак'. The bones in my skull aren't fused together, which allows me to move and slightly overlap.

My father has already started visualizing the commercial prospect of such a ninja - Tom Cruise skill, without knowing that this serves the sole purpose of making it easier for me to fit through the birth canal. These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as my brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.

Now, I AM overwhelmingly relieved to know that after sooo many cold and sick days my mom is feeling much better. She isn't fully recovered, but after that long frustrating period she's very near to it. It was this reason only that I have not hanged out with many people lately save this Saturday when we (me, mom, and pa) and my aunt and two cousins went to check out what beds are available on the market and what shiny wheels are on offer. It seems that the former is almost decided upon, provided my father approves of the color, where as -- in regard to the latter, it seems that tastes and opinions multiply and even conflict. However, I have no doubts that my family will provide me with the best (and am taking all factors into account, not only looks, but affordability and functonability as well) ride in the days to come. It's worth mentioning that my cousin Ivo, poor him being surrounded by female cousins, is still enthusiastically hoping that the doctor has misdiagnosed my gender. Well, the least I can do in future is to show keen interest in some boys' games, and wear some heavy blue and military green.

Oh! Out of curiosity. My parents started attending some pre-natal or pre-delivery classes for pregnant families. :) My mоm found the first lecturer looks and talks as a “фризерка од Синѓелич” (“hairdresser from Singjelich suberb”)… Where's my dad not paying full attention was frustrated by other baby's moms taking what should have been the basic-know-lecture to be a fully fledged scientific examination of some moms. Шмизли! Does knowing what 'isio-pjiuguegvdh-TOMY (a word that has been repeated for some hundred times and the meaning of which is still a misery - yes!!! Misery NOT mystery to my poor dad) mean makes them better parents? This is what my father would like to know.

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