Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Be not afraid it is only me, not the Kondovo G.

I am growing steadily with all this nutritious diet (il chocolates, tortas und strudel), but I have only gained about 4 ounces since last week. Poor mom, all the rest goes into her. But she is a strong girl. Now I am bit over half a kilo.
Since I am almost a foot long (well depending whose foot, by no means it is Shaq’s), a size of a corn year, I cut a pretty lean figure at this point, but my body is filling out proportionally (my dad has mistaken proportion with Burda magazine measurements – 90-60-90) and I’ll soon start to plump up.

My brain is also growing quickly now, not that I can solve equations with three unknown values and five unknown strangers, but it is quite a thing. And my taste buds are continuing to develop so I think I can smell some leftovers, or outcomes of my parents cooking and digesting. My lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" (mind the metaphor and the irony – ‘I am developing as a regular as a bush or a larch).

Another development are the cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help my air sacs inflate once I hit the outside world (I hope my hit will not hurt the outside world). My skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon when first it will become normally white-pinkish and after maaany years it will have accepted layers of make-up (Ooops, gender-marking, d***).

By the way, today is day number 169 and I am 24 weeks. I have 111 days or 16 weeks left, and I am 60.4% of the way there.

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